Do you have chipped teeth? If so, dental crowns provide the transformation you need. At Prestige Dental Care, we work hard to get you the smile you deserve!
A dental crown is also known as “caps” because they cover a badly damaged, chipped, or discolored tooth. The goal is to strengthen the overall tooth and restore oral functionality.
During a consultation, we will take digital images and an impression of your teeth as well. This will aid in the customized crown fitting process which will fit comfortably as they are secured in your mouth.
As we are waiting for your finalized crowns to arrive in our office, we will provide you with temporary crowns. When the finalized crowns arrive, your teeth will be prepared accordingly. Your tooth will be treated with a conditioning liquid and then the crown will be cemented in place.
We know what a beautiful smile means to you. With dental crowns, you will be able to smile confidently again. Contact us today to learn more!
Schedule Your Appointment at 601-533-0923